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Drábské světničky

Drábské světničky (světničky=small rooms) are in the south of Český ráj/Bohemian paradise region. They are part of a rock formation massif which rises from a flat landscape of Mladá Boleslav. This rock formation of Drábské světničky and rocks Příhrazské/Příhrazské skály are the first landmarks that you will see while entering Bohemian Paradise.

It is said that these seven sandstone blocks, which are from 86 to 141 metres high, were already inhabitated in the early Stone Age. Later during the Middle Ages, a castle in the rocks was built here. Its main purpose was to guard the area. This fortress built on seven sandstone rock towers, separated by narrow ravines and crevices, forms a perfect system of underground spaces and tunnels. The wooden contructions here were connected by a number of small bridges and several small rooms were carved into the sandstone. Until these days, we can still appreciate remains of 7 constructions and 6 bridges. There are about 20 of small rooms(světničky), including the chapel with a stone altar and benches.

The Hussites lived in this castle until their defeat in the battle of Lipany in 1434. Since then the castle has been rotting away. These days, you can access the castle for free.

Because of its uniqueness, location in Bohemian paradise, beatiful views from this place and clever use of natural rock formations, Drábské světničky became part of UNESCO natural heritage geological park in 2005.

In Mnichovo Hradiště city museum, you can see a model of Drábské světničky created in 1950 in a ratio of 1:17.

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