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Mužský Hill

The basalt hill Mužský (463 metres above sea level) is the highest point of Mladá Boleslav region (Central Bohemia). A Tertiary volcano eruption tore apart a giant sandstone rock and and the rift that was created during this eruption was filled with molten magma. The basalt from the volcano was exposed during years of selective erosion. The side cliffs of this giant volcano form the rock formation "cities" Příhrazy, Drábské světničky, Valečov and Drhleny.

Archaelogical research revealed that this area of hill Mužský was already inhabited in the early Stone Age. The fact that no aristocratic residence was built on this hill, eventhough it is strategically very convenient location, confirms the assumption that this is a place of cult or religious importance.

At the very top, there is a stone memorial commemorating the position of Austrian cannons during the Prussian-Austrian war on 28 June 1866. Historical resources tell us that the Prussian general Fransecky gave the order to attack the Austrian position on the hill Mužský. The Austrian 29th battalion including both artillery batteries and battalion 45th Infantry Regiment were forced to withdraw and soon the majority of the battalions fell into captivity. The memorial is therefore a memorial of the fallen.

The bare hill Mužský allows the tourists to enjoy a perfect panoramic view of the surrounding area and of mountain ranges Krkonoše, Jizerské hory, Hruboskalsko, Lužické hory, Ješťed, Bezděz or of Drábské světničky.


How to get to the top?

If you walk, follow the green tourist marking from Krásná vyhlídka/Beatiful Scenery or from a cross-road Skalka near Valečov. Drivers can use the parking right below the top.

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